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The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Articles:
Creary, S.J. 2023. Taking a "LEAP": How workplace allyship initiatives shape leader anxiety, allyship, and power dynamics that contribute to workplace inequality. Academy of Management Review.
Creary, S.J. & Locke, K. 2021. Breaking the cycle of overwork and recuperation: Altering somatic engagement across boundaries. Organization Science.
Kniffin, K. M., Narayanan, J., Anseel, F., Antonakis, J., Ashford, S. J., Bakker, A. B., Bamberge, P., Bapuji, H., Bhave, D. P., Choi, V. K., Creary, S. J., Demerouti, E., Flynn, F., Gelfand, M., Greer, L., Johns, G., Kesebir, S., Klein, P. G., Lee, S., Ozcelik. H., Petriglieri, J. L., Rothbard, N., Rudolph, C., Shaw, J. D., Sirola, N., Wanberg, C., Whillans, A., Wilmot, M., Van vugt, M. 2020. COVID-19 and the Workplace: Implications, Issues, and Insights for Future Research and Action. American Psychologist.
Creary, S.J., Caza, B.B & Roberts, L.M. 2015. Out of the box? How managing a subordinate’s multiple identities affects the quality of a manager-subordinate relationship. Academy of Management Review, 40(4): 538-562.
Humberd, B.K., Clair, J.A., & Creary, S.J. 2015. In our own backyard: When a less inclusive community challenges organizational inclusion. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 34(5): 395-421.
Ert, E., Creary, S., & Bazerman, M.H. 2014. Cynicism in negotiation: When communication increases buyers' skepticism. Judgment and Decision Making. 9(3): 191-198.
Business Press Articles:
Creary, S.J., Foutty, J., & Mitchell, K. 2023. How diversity can boost board effectiveness. MIT Sloan Management Review, Published April 3, 2023.
Creary, S.J., Rothbard, N, & Scruggs, J. 2021. Improving workplace culture through evidence-based diversity, equity, and inclusion practices. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Creary, S.J. & Rogers, Jr., J.W. 2021. How board directors can advance racial justice. strategy+business, Spring 2021, Issue 102.
Creary, S.J. 2020. How company leaders can promote racial justice in the workplace. strategy+business, Winter 2020, Issue 101.
Creary, S.J. 2020. How to elevate diversity, equity, and inclusion work in your organization. Knowledge@Wharton, Published on July 20, 2020.
Creary, S.J. 2020. How to be a better ally to your Black colleagues. Harvard Business Review, Published on July 8, 2020.
Creary, S.J. 2020. How to begin talking about race in the workplace. Knowledge@Wharton, Published on June 15, 2020.
Creary, S.J. 2020. Speaking out on racism as a company leader. Wharton Magazine, Published on June 10, 2020.
Creary, S.J., McDonnell, M., Ghai, S., & Scruggs, J. 2019. When and why diversity improves your board’s performance. Harvard Business Review, Published on March 27, 2019.
Caza, B., Ramarajan, L., Reid, E., & Creary, S. 2018. How to make room in your work life for the rest of your self. Harvard Business Review, May 30, 2018.
Academic Book Chapters:
Roberts, L.M., Blake-Beard, S., Creary, S.J., Edgehill, B., & Ghai, S. 2019. Overcoming barriers to developing and retaining diverse talent in the health-care professions. In L.M. Roberts, A. Mayo, and D.A. Thomas (Eds.). Race, work and leadership: New perspectives on the black experience, Harvard Business Review Press.
Creary, S.J. & Roberts, L.M. 2017. G.I.V.E.-based mentoring in diverse organizations: Cultivating positive identities in diverse leaders. In S. Blake-Beard and A. Murrell (Eds.). Mentoring diverse leaders: Creating change for people, processes, and paradigms, Taylor & Francis.
Caza, B.B. & Creary, S.J. 2016. The construction of professional identity. In A. Wilkinson, D. Hislop and C. Coupland (Eds). Perspectives on contemporary professional work, Elgar.
Creary, S.J. 2015. Resourcefulness in action: The case for global diversity management, In L.M. Roberts, L. Wooten, & M. Davidson (Eds.) Positive organizing in a global society: Understanding and engaging differences for capacity-building and inclusion, Routledge.
Creary, S.J. & Gordon, J.G. 2015. Role conflict, role overload, and role strain. In C. Shehan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of family studies, Wiley.
Roberts, L.M. & Creary, S.J. 2013. Navigating the self in diverse work contexts. In Q. Roberson (Ed.), Oxford handbook of diversity and work, Oxford University Press.
Roberts, L.M. & Creary, S.J. 2012. Positive individual identities: Insights from classical and contemporary theoretical perspectives. In K. Cameron and G. Spreitzer (Eds.), Oxford handbook of positive organizational scholarship, Oxford University Press.
Executive Audience-Oriented Publications for The Conference Board:
Creary, S.J. 2010. Is Age Really Just a Number? Investigating Approaches to Employee Engagement. Research Report 1465.
Mitchell, C. & Creary, S.J. 2010. Diversity and Inclusion: Global Challenges and Opportunities. Council Perspectives 004.
Creary, S.J. 2009. The Impact of Workforce Reductions on Layoff ‘Survivors’: Results from a Global Survey. Executive Action 316.
Creary, S.J. & Rosner, L. 2009. Mission Accomplished? What Every Leader Should Know about Survivor Syndrome. Executive Action 307.
Creary, S.J. 2008. Leadership, Governance, and Accountability: A Pathway to a Diverse and Inclusive Organization. Research Report 1429.
Teaching Materials Published by Harvard Business Publishing Education:
Creary, S. 2020. A Framework for Leading Classroom Conversations About Race. Inspiring Minds: Perspectives.
Thomas, D.A. & Creary, S.J. 2011. Renewing GE: The Africa Project (B). Harvard Business School Case 412-028.
Thomas, D.A. & Creary, S.J. 2011. Renewing GE: The Africa Project (A). Harvard Business School Case 411-093.
Thomas, D.A. & Creary, S.J. 2011. Shifting the Diversity Climate: The Sodexo Solution. Harvard Business School Case 412-020.
Thomas, D.A. & Creary, S.J. 2011. Teach Plus: Mobilizing a New Generation of Teacher Leaders. Harvard Business School Case 412-027.
Thomas, D.A. & Creary, S.J. 2009. Meeting the Diversity Challenge at PepsiCo: The Steve Reinemund Era. Harvard Business School Case 410-024.
Thomas, D.A. & Creary, S.J. 2009. Creating the Partnership Solutions Group at Lehman Brothers. Harvard Business School Case 409-042.
Thomas, D.A., Roberts, L.M. & Creary, S.J. 2009. The Rise of President Barack Hussein Obama. Harvard Business School Case 409-115.
Thomas, D.A., Roberts, L.M. & Creary, S.J. 2009. The Rise of President Barack Hussein Obama (TN). Harvard Business School Teaching Note 409-134.